Maine Professional Photographers Association
Connect. Learn. Grow.

Win Tracy Award Winners

Maine Photographer of the Year Award is selected by the judges based on the best body of work by the top 5 highest scoring entrants each year.

James Pierce  1959
Lewis Daniels  1960
James Pierce  1961
Billie Daniels  1962
James Pierce  1963
Bill Perry  1964
Isabella Pierce  1965
George Tarbox  1966
James Clark  1967
Peter Foxwell  1968
Mason Phillip Smith  1969
Peter Foxwell  1970
Mason Phillip Smith  1971
Mason Phillip Smith  1972
Mason Phillip Smith  1973
Mason Phillip Smith  1974
Philomena Baker  1975
Tom Jones  1976
Peter Foxwell  1980
Steve Bedell   1984
Ron Simons  1985
Tom Jones  1986
Jerry Jalbert  1987
W. Marc Bernsau  1988
Ron Simons  1989
Roger Dube


James Bowdoin  1991
Ron Simons   1992
W. Marc Bernsau  1993
Dan St. Louis  1994
Brenda Pelletier  1995
Brenda Pelletier  1996
Brenda Pelletier  1997
Ron Simons   1998
J. Felice Boucher  1999
Cara Chase  2000
LeeAnn LaFleur  2001
J. Felice Boucher  2002
Thomas Morelli   2003
Barbara Tobey  2004
David Brown   2005
Rosemary KM Wyman  2006
Barbara Tobey  2007
Robert Akers 
Thomas Fallon
J. Felice Boucher 
Thomas Fallon
J. Felice Boucher 
Thomas Fallon
J. Felice Boucher  2014
J. Felice Boucher  2015
J. Felice Boucher   2016
Sandra Miner   2017
Robert Smith  2018
Lauren DelVecchio  2019
Lauren DelVecchio  2020
James Flachsbart   2021
Dean Bugaj  2022
Gina Soule  2023
Natalie Breton  2024

Best of Show Winners

Awarded for having the highest scoring image at the annual image competition

Tom Jones  1971
Tom Jones  1972
Mason Philip Smith  1973
James Clark  1974
Don Pyor  1975
Philomena Baker  1976
Tom Jones  1977
Mason Philip Smith  1978
Peter Foxwell  1979
Steve Bedell  1980
Steve Bedell  1981
Ron Ferris  1982
Jerry Jalbert  1983
Chris Cherry  1984
James Clark  1985
Tom Jones  1986
Steve Maines  1987
Ron Simmons  1988
Richard Bancroft  1989
Steve Bedell  1990
James Allen  1991
Dan St. Louis  1992
W. Marc Bernsau  1993
Leigh Kelly  1994
Brenda Pelletier  1995
Jerzy Karez  1996
Linda J Stevenson (Bonenfant)  1996
J. Felice Boucher  1997
Ron Simons  
Tom Jones  1999
J. Felice Boucher    2000
LeeAnn LeFleur  2001
J. Felice Boucher    2002
Sarah Fuller Morgan   2003
Barbara Tobey  2004
David Brown  2005
Christal Treadwell   2006
Barbara Tobey  2007
Christal Treadwell   2008
Chris Joles   2009
LeeAnn LaFleur   2010
Thomas Fallon   2011
J. Felice Boucher  2012
Thomas Fallon   2013
J. Felice Boucher  2014
Thomas Fallon   2015
J. Felice Boucher  2016
Sandra Miner  2017
Caroline Samson  2018
Caroline Samson  2019
Lauren DelVecchio    2020
James Flachsbart   2021
Gina Soule  2022
Heather Watt  2023
Heather Watt  2024

President Cup Recipients (Discontinued Award)

The MPPA President’s Cup was established to recognize the talent, technical skills and abilities of Maine Photographers. It is an award that was earned only by showing that talent by scoring a total of 12 merit points accumulated over 6 consecutive years.

Lewis Daniels 1972
Wilda Hutchen 1973
Philomena Baker 1980
Richard Bancroft 1989
Roger Dube 1995
Mark Haskell 1999
Leigh Kelly 2000
Barbara Tobey 2004
Mark Haskell 2004
Jeffrey Morris 2005
William Brehm                      2006 
Donna Just                             2006
Rosemary Wyman                2006
Tim Byrne 2007
LeeAnn LaFleur 2007
Leigh Kelly Monroe 2007
Dan Rodrigue 2008
Tim Byrne 2013
Melissa Dineen 2015
Russel R Caron 2015
Alana Ranney                        2017

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