Maine Professional Photographers Association
Connect. Learn. Grow.

Award & Recognition Program

The MPPA established an award and recognition program in 2009, that mirrors the national (PPA) degree program, to recognize photographic excellence and service to the photographic community (and self) through volunteerism and education. It is our hope that these awards will serve to inspire new and current members to become and stay active in the professional community, to continue learning and improving through education and attendance at photographic events, and to recognize those individuals whose photographic excellence and service are exemplary.

There are three awards that can be achieved as follows:

Maine Photographic Excellence Award
Awarded for superior photographic competence through photographic competition, advanced education, and service to the profession. Requires 25 points: 13 must be Image Points, remaining 12 from any category. A bar is earned for each additional 25 points.

Maine Fellowship Award
To recognize service, fellowship, and continuing education. Requires 25 points: 5 must be Membership Points, 13 must be Education Points, remaining 7 from any category. A bar is earned for each additional 25 points.

Maine Distinguished Colleague Award
This award is reserved for the MPPA to bestow upon a member who has gone above and beyond expectations in their service to association and the photographic profession. The individual may or may not have already received other awards, honors, and degrees. This award is for an individual nominated by the membership or identified by the ARC or Board whom the MPPA feels additional accolades are in order to recognize a member’s continued exceptional service to the MPPA. It is not an award earned by accumulation of points like the other two, but is a special honor that the MPPA may bestow upon a deserving member. To nominate a member that you feel is deserving of this award, please complete the Maine Distinguished Colleague Award Nomination Form.

Medallions and bars that are issued as part of this award program are to be worn at all state, regional, and national functions. A certificate suitable for framing will be issued with each award.

Lobster Pin Incentive
The Maine Photographic Excellence Award and Maine Fellowship Award are accolades that may take considerable time and effort to achieve. As an added incentive to work hard, be involved, learn a lot, and earn points, we offer the “Lobster Pin incentive”. Those members that accumulate 12 points in a calendar year (regardless of category) will be bestowed the Lobster Pin. You can earn one every year, and it can be worn on your clothing or fastened to your Photographic Excellence or Maine Fellowship ribbons.

Points Guide

Download the complete PROGRAM GUIDELINES & PERSONAL POINT REGISTER to keep track of your points earned throughout the year!


Your point summary form must be submitted by February 15th each year to be eligible for awards at the MPPA convention. We can not guarantee that any awards or incentive earned will be be presented if forms are submitted after the deadline. You MAY, however, submit your points at any time during the year and any awards earned will be presented the following year at convention (not to include the lobster pin incentive). 

Please take a few moments to fill out the form below and we look forward to recognizing YOU at an upcoming awards banquet! You can contact the Award & Recognition Chairperson, Crystal Reynolds, with any questions. If you would like to become involved in the MPPA or the ARC, we would welcome your help… and would reward you with some points towards awards, too! 

© MPPA and its members | Maine Professional Photographers Association is a non-profit organization. All MPPA financial statements are available to its members upon request.
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