Maine Professional Photographers Association
Connect. Learn. Grow.

MPPA Educational Scholarships

The MPPA Scholarship Fund was established in 1999 to provide educational assistance to active members of the MPPA. The Scholarship Committee’s mission is to manage and distribute the MPPA Scholarship funds in a financially responsible way by reviewing investments outcomes and risk factors on an ongoing basis. All distributions in the account are to be used solely for the purpose of member education. Founding Board Of Governors: Bernie Littlefield, Dick Towle, Dan Rodrique, Linda Bonefant, & Robert Createau.


 James E & Marjorie L Clark  Robert W & Rosalie Creteau Diana Dicks C Holmes Gardner 
 Roswell & Gladys Haskell Russell & Ina Mae Longley Bob Noonan George Vierling
 Christina M (Seavey) Eldredge Gail Osgood Mark Haskell Dick Towle

Donation Information

The Maine Professional Photographers Association (MPPA) Scholarship Fund is a suitable way to honor and remember colleagues and friends who have passed away. The MPPA established a fund for the purpose of providing educational assistance to those who are active members. It is a wonderful way for eligible members to improve their knowledge, hone their skill, and make their contributions to the advancement of the photography profession.

Please consider donating to this worthy cause by adding the MPPA Scholarship Fund to your will or as a gift “In lieu of” just to say “We’ll never forget you.” The fund awards scholarships on a quarterly basis and each year at the MPPA awards banquet during convention.

If you have questions, please contact the Scholarship Committee.  The committee’s current Governing Board includes Nick Angelides (Chairperson), Crystal Reynolds, Stacy Knapp, Gina Soule, and the current and immediate past Presidents of the MPPA.

Donations may be made payable to:
84 Fairview Ave, Augusta, ME 04330

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© MPPA and its members | Maine Professional Photographers Association is a non-profit organization. All MPPA financial statements are available to its members upon request.
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