Maine Professional Photographers Association
Connect. Learn. Grow.

Maine Distinguished Colleague Award Nomination Form

The Maine Distinguished Colleague Award is reserved for a member who has gone above and beyond in their service to MPPA and the photographic profession, and for whom the MPPA’s Award and Recognition Committee (ARC) and Board feel additional accolades are in order to recognize this photographer’s passion and dedication. This award is NOT based on accumulation of points like other state and national programs. Its conference on an individual relies on review and approval by the MPPA Board and the ARC, and is a special honor that may be bestowed upon a deserving member. This award will not necessarily be presented every year; it relies on the fact that an individual is nominated by a current MPPA member and that this individual is determined to be worthy by the MPPA Board and ARC. 

Congratulations to our Distinguished Colleague recipients:

Tom Jones | 2013
Alan Boutot | 2015
Dan Rodrigue | 2015

Robert Akers | 2017
Melissa Dineen | 2018
Jeffery Morris | 2020

Crystal Reynolds | 2021
Ken Wilson | 2021
Tim Byrne | 2022

Do you know someone who has: gone above and beyond their vocation as a photographer to help or teach others? Volunteered their time to make their profession or professional organization better? Reached out to help those new to photography? Participated in local, state, regional and/or national level photographic organizations or competitions? Shared their expertise with others, whether it be other photographers, community members, or students? Used their photographic talents in philanthropic ways, like raising money for worthy causes or providing portraiture or images to clients that could otherwise not afford them? Have they mentored, helped, improved, served, or otherwise helped individuals or organizations involved with photography? Then nominate them! 

Please provide as much information as you can on the form below so that the MPPA Board and ARC can evaluate your candidate’s merits. Forms are due by February 1st each year to be awarded at the annual convention. Forms received after the deadline will be considered for the following calendar year. Please contact Crystal Reynolds with any questions. Thank you!

© MPPA and its members | Maine Professional Photographers Association is a non-profit organization. All MPPA financial statements are available to its members upon request.
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